Arucanamu USETERMS

1. This Terms of Use is related to the use of the online video analysis tool "arucanamu" (this service) provided by RILARC Co., Ltd. It establishes the contractual relationship between them (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms").

2. We will provide the Service to you based on this agreement, and you will comply with this agreement.

3. Uniqueness does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. The data provided by Uniqueness is public information. This is collected from third-party (such as YouTube) data sources by unique and proprietary software, collated, organized, inferred, manipulated and displayed in a unique way, and provided as proprietary data.

4. If a matter other than this agreement is specified in a document other than this agreement and is approved by Our Company, that matter will be a part of this agreement, and if there is a conflict between this matter and the provisions of this agreement, that matter will take precedence. Shall apply.

Article 2 (Definition of terms)

The definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows.

(1) This service

Based on this agreement, we mean the service provided by "Unique Dedication".

(2) Otsu means the user of this service provided by Our Company that agrees to the Terms.

(3) YouTube

YouTube is a video sharing service ( operated by YouTube, LLC in California, USA.

(4) Google

Google is an Internet-related service (, etc.) operated by Google, LLC in California, USA, including search engines, cloud computing, software, and online advertising. ..

(5) ID

Our Company unique code used in combination with a password to identify you and others.

(6) Password

Our Company unique code used in combination with an ID to identify you and others.

Article 3 (Operation of this agreement)

1. These Terms shall apply to all relationships between Our Company and you regarding this Service.

2. Uniqueness uses the YouTube API to acquire and save public content on YouTube. By using this service, you agree to the YouTube Terms of Service and the YouTube Terms of Service described in Google's privacy policy.

YouTube Terms of Service:

Google Privacy Policy:

Article 4 (Change of this agreement)

1 We may change the Terms of Use at our discretion in the following cases:

(1) When changes to the Terms of Use are in line with the general interests of the Company.

(2) Changes to the Terms of Use shall be reasonable in accordance with the purpose of making the contract, and in light of the necessity of changes, the appropriateness of the changed contents, the contents of the changes, and other circumstances related to the changes. One day.

(2) Upon changing the Terms of Use pursuant to the preceding paragraph, we will change the Terms of Use one month before the effective date of the changed Terms of Use and

We will post the revised Terms of Use and their effective date on our website or notify you by e-mail.

3 If you use this service after the effective date of the changed Terms of Use, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes of the Terms of Use.

4 We may change access to your google account. When you make the change, you will be asked to re-login to your google account. After logging in, you will be deemed to agree to the above changes.

Article 5 (Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations, imitation, etc.)

1. You shall not transfer, sell, resell, provide, rent or lease all or part of the status under this Agreement or the rights or obligations under this Agreement.

2. You shall not provide a service of the same type as this Service to a third party using the ID and password provided, the data itself, the display know-how of the data, etc.

3. B Co., Ltd. agrees that the display know-how of the data will not be imitated or used for any purpose other than the permission of Our Company. In addition, when you discloses the data to a third party, you's mark, etc. shall be displayed according to the instructions of the Our Company.

Article 6 (Conclusion of usage contract, etc.)

1. The free usage contract that allows you to use this service for free shall be established when you log in to this service with the ID and password that we issued to use this service. ..

2. The fee-based contract for the use of the Service by the Company for a fee shall be completed when the Company makes the application by filling out the necessary items in the application documents specified by the Company and accepting the application. The contents of the paid contract shall be stated in the quotation, application form, etc. Note that the paid contract shall not be used for the benefit of anyone other than the applicant.

Article 7 (use of this service)

1. We will give you the ID and password as the access authority to the function of this service.

2. The access authority specified in the preceding paragraph is a non-exclusive authority that allows you to view the analysis results of your company on the server managed by us.

3. We are not involved in the management of your account. We will regard all uses by the account of the other party and other acts as the use by the other party.

4. We will not be liable for any damages caused by insufficient management of passwords, etc. by you, errors in use, or the use by third parties.

5. You must not disclose your ID and password to a third party, and if they are known to you or if you suspect that your account is being used by a third party, immediately. We will inform you of that fact and will obey the instructions of us, if any. In this case, we may suspend or delete the account of the other party as an unauthorized account.

6. The Company assumes that it is obliged to change the password on a regular basis, and we will not be liable for any damages resulting from your failure to do so.

7. If Our Company decides that it is necessary, Our Company can change the function without notifying you.

Article 8 (use of cookies)

This service may set a cookie for the purpose of uniquely identifying the terminal that accessed the website managed by you.

Article 9 (Handling of user information)

1. We will collect your access logs, etc. obtained through this service and the information that you allow us to use in accordance with the Google or YouTube Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “user information”). The following shall be used for the purpose of each item.

(1) In the case of sending e-mails or other information from us to notify you.

(2) In any case that we use to provide this service.

(3) When statistical information is statistically aggregated and analyzed to create statistical data in which the individual cannot be identified or specified.

(4) In the case of technical enhancement, new planning/development, or improvement of this service.

(5) When processing, modifying, or analyzing to deliver advertisements.

(6) In addition, when it is necessary to accompany (1) to (5) above.

2. Regarding information that may be specified even if it is difficult to directly identify an individual among the user information, we consider that the information is equivalent to the handling of personal information, and the guidelines of laws and industry groups. In accordance with the privacy policy of etc.

3. You can suspend Our Company from using entire or part of user's information by changing google account permissions or canceling or withdrawing this service. However, this does not apply to the use for any purposes that referred from (3) to (5) in article 1.

Article 10 (Handling of your information)

1. You agrees that Company's registration information, etc. that Our Company can know through these Terms may be disclosed to the outside in the following cases.

(1) In the case of publicly known information.

(2) When there is an order/investigation, etc. from the court, police, or other administrative agencies, or when we judge that it should be submitted to the court, police, or other administrative agency for litigation or other procedures.

(3) When the Our Company determines that an investigation is necessary when there is a situation where you is fraudulent or suspected of being fraudulent.

(4) In addition, when it is necessary to accompany (1) to (3) above.

2. In Uniqueness, we use Google Analytics provided by Google, LLC. For the purpose of improving the service provided by Uniqueness, we may acquire and analyze your usage status through Google Analytics. This information will not be shared with third parties. By using this service, you are considered to have agreed to the above purposes.

Google Privacy Policy:

3. Depending on your usage of the Service, we may contact you individually to request a YouTube advertisement.

Four. We will properly handle your personal information based on our privacy policy, unless otherwise specified in this agreement. If you agree to these Terms, you also agree to our privacy policy.

Five. We may disclose to third parties that we are using the Service in order to advertise the Service. However, this does not apply to the case in which the Company informs the Party in advance that it will not be permitted in writing.

Article 11 (About YouTube channel authentication data)

You can register your YouTube channel uniquely so that it can access your YouTube channel's authorization data. (Authentication data is data that is not publicly available, such as data that can be viewed with YouTube Analytics.) Unique Dedication uses YouTube API to acquire authentication data. The authentication data is used to improve the service and is only displayed to users who registered the channel. These authentication data will not be disclosed to other uniquely dedicated users or third parties. You can delete the uniquely registered channel from [Account Settings]> [Channel Management]. In Unique Dedication, you can always remove the permission of Unique Dedication to access the authentication data of a channel by deleting the channel from all users who have registered the channel you want to delete. In addition, you can also revoke your permission to access your channel's authorization data from Google Security Settings page (

Article 12 (Personal information protection)

1. When we handle personal information (hereinafter referred to as “this personal information”) that is under the control of you under the instructions of you,

It will be handled appropriately based on the privacy policy described.

2. purpose of use

We will use this personal information to manage and manage it appropriately.

3. Third party provided

We will not provide this personal information to a third party without the consent of the person except under the law.

4. Consignment

We may outsource the handling of this personal information, but upon outsourcing, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the outsourcee so that the outsourcee can manage the personal information safely.

5. Request for disclosure, etc.

We will notify you of the purpose of use of this personal information, disclosure, correction/addition or deletion of contents, suspension/erasure of use and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) We will accept it at the "Personal information complaint and consultation desk" in the next section.

6. Personal information complaint and consultation counter

RILARC Co., Ltd. complaints consultation service


7. Notes on entering personal information

Even if there is a request for disclosure, etc. in the preceding paragraph, we may not be able to give you the best answer if the necessary information is not stated.

8. Personal information protection manager

RILARC Corporate Headquarters

9. Other

The privacy policy described in paragraph 1 of this article is published on the home page of Our Company and can be changed at the discretion of Our Company. If necessary, you will post the Our Company's privacy policy for your customers and handle personal information appropriately based on it.

Article 13 (use fee)

This service has a free use contract that can be used free of charge and a paid use contract that you can use for a fee.The usage charge for the paid use contract is based on the separately-specified "price list" or quotation/application form. I shall. There is no usage charge during the beta version and trial period.

Article 14 (Obligation to pay usage fee)

1. Regarding the use of this service, you will charge the usage fee and consumption tax related to the usage fee specified in the “Charge List” separately set by Our Company for the period from the date the paid usage contract is established to the end date of the usage agreement. In addition, payment must be made in accordance with the method specified by Our Company.

2. At the time of revision of charges, Our Company will notify you in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 2, and unless otherwise provided, you will comply with the changed fees.

3. When you cancel the paid contract, you must pay the usage fee corresponding to the remaining period at the same time as the cancellation, by the method specified in advance by us.

Article 15 (Contract period of this service)

The end of the paid usage contract of the contract for this service is from the month of start of use described in the application form to the contract period. Unless you make a written intent to us by 30 days before the expiration of the contract period, the contract period shall be automatically extended with the same contract period as the original contract, and thereafter. And so on. However, this does not apply to trial use.

Article 16 (Delayed damages)

1. If you do not fulfill your obligations based on the usage fees and other terms of use of this service after the specified payment deadline, we will calculate the number of days from the day following the specified payment deadline to the day before the payment date. 14.6% (The delay damage calculated by prorate calculation of 365 days a year, together with the charges for this service and other debts, shall be paid by the method specified by us by the date specified by us.

2. The transfer fee and other costs required for payment in the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the Company.

Article 17 (temporary interruption of this service)

1. If any of the following reasons occur, this service may temporarily suspend this service without giving notice or notification to you.

(1) When the maintenance of facilities for this service is performed regularly or urgently.

(2) When the customer determines that it is difficult to provide normal service due to the heavy load and obstacles to this service.

(3) When we recognize that the provision of this service may cause significant damage to the you or a third party.

(4) When this service cannot be provided due to fire, power failure, etc.

(5) When it becomes difficult for a telecommunications carrier or a telecommunications carrier abroad to provide this service by stopping or stopping the provision of telecommunications software and services.

(6) When this service cannot be provided due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake, eruption, flood, or tsunami.

(7) When it becomes impossible to provide this service due to war, upheaval, riot, mayhem, labor dispute, etc.

(8) In addition, when this service determines that it is necessary to temporarily suspend the service in terms of operation or technology.

2. If Our Company suspends the provision of this Service pursuant to the provisions of each item of the preceding paragraph, Our Company will notify the Party in advance or notify it on the website. However, this does not apply to urgent cases and unavoidable cases.

3. As a general rule, we will not accept emergency stop requests from you and third parties.

4. Even if the provision of this service is delayed or interrupted due to any of the items in the preceding paragraph or other reasons, this service will not be subject to damages incurred by the you or third party We assume no responsibility except as otherwise specified in.

Article 18 (Damage Compensation)

1. If you become unable to use this service at all due to reasons attributable to us, and only if you continue for 2 days starting from the time when it became unavailable, the service will be unavailable during the prorated period. We will compensate for damages up to the amount equivalent to the usage fee.

2. We are not liable for damages caused by reasons not attributable to this service such as natural disasters, damages caused by special circumstances regardless of whether this service is foreseen, and indirect damages including lost profits. will do.

3. If you violate Articles 5 and 6(2) during the term of the paid contract, you will be incurred damage that is three times as much as the usage fee of the paid usage contract, which is equivalent to the period deemed to be in violation. Estimated as the amount of compensation.

Article 19 (Dispute Resolution)

In the event of a dispute regarding the operation of your site or the posting of a YouTube video on your party, such as a claim or prosecution by us from a customer or other third party, Except when it is attributable to us, you will be responsible for processing and resolving the dispute at your own risk and expense.

Article 20 (Confidentiality)

Our Company and you will provide the information (including IP address and access analysis result of you) about the other party obtained in connection with the use without the prior written consent of the other party (hereinafter referred to as "confidential information"). It will not be disclosed or leaked to the three parties and will not be used for any purpose other than for the purpose of providing or using this service.

Article 21 (Cancellation by Our Company)

1. If you falls under any of the following items, Our Company will suspend the provision or provision of this service by notifying you by a method or method of determining you. You can cancel.

(1) When the terms of this agreement are violated.

(2) When contracts with us other than this agreement are canceled by us due to reasons attributable to you.

(3) When it is determined that there are false facts in the description of the application form or other matters to be reported to us.

(4) When payment is suspended or becomes insolvent, or there is a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation commencement, or similar proceedings.

(5) When a bill or check that was drawn out or accepted by the customer is unpaid.

(6) When there is a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, forced execution or auction.

(7) When you are delinquent in tax dues.

(8) When it is suspected that it is related to antisocial forces.

(9) In addition, when Asahi determines that it is not appropriate to continue using this service.

2. Notwithstanding the items in the preceding paragraph, Our Company may terminate the User Agreement if it finds it difficult to continue the User Agreement.

3. Even if the provision of this service is terminated in paragraph 2 of this article, payment of the usage fee during the service usage period is not exempt.

Article 22 (Disclaimer)

1. You may not be able to use all or part of this service due to changes in YouTube service content, operation changes, malfunctions, etc., or you may not be able to use all or part of YouTube, or the latest information Please note that the above may not be updated. We shall not be liable for any damages caused to You in connection with YouTube.

2. This service is provided by us as it is at that time (as it is), and we do not guarantee the suitability for the intended purpose of use by you.

3. After making the settings for using this service, you will be responsible for confirming whether your website has the original functions, and we will not be obliged to do so. I will.

4. All data downloaded by the Company from the Company's servers by the Service or otherwise acquired by the Company shall be used at the Company's own risk, and damage to the computer system caused by downloading the data may occur. We will not be liable for any other damages.

5. In using this service, you shall not be given any intellectual property rights by us or other users.

Article 23 (Governing Law)

Regarding the establishment, effect, performance and interpretation of this agreement, Japanese law shall apply.

Article 24 (Consultation)

Regarding matters not stipulated in these Terms, we will discuss with each other in good faith and resolve them.

Article 25 (Agreed Jurisdiction)

With regard to litigation related to this agreement, the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.